(Your proton journey)
Protonresan is a virtual visit for children and their families who are going to stay in Uppsala for proton radiation treatment.
Protonresan is a way of helping to prepare children and their families coming for proton radiation treatment. It was produced jointly by Skandionkliniken, the Ronald McDonald Hus, Akademiska barnsjukhuset and the Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund.
Through Protonresan, we want to give you more information and help you feel more comfortable as you prepare for proton radiation treatment at Skandionkliniken, and about staying at the Ronald McDonald Hus and coming to Akademiska barnsjukhuset, the hospital school and play therapy.
You can experience Protonresan through the VR headsets that are available at all six of the paediatric oncology centres in Sweden, and at home on your computer or tablet/phone screen.
Here you can watch the videos and take part in Protonresan without a VR headset. To browse through the videos, use the navigation symbol in the upper left-hand corner with your computer pointer, or by moving your finger on your touchpad.
Chapter 1 – Introduction
This chapter welcomes you to Uppsala and gives you an overview of the places you might visit during the treatment period in Uppsala.
Chapter 2 – Ronald McDonald Hus
In this chapter, you’ll visit Ronald McDonald Hus, where many people stay during the treatment period in Uppsala. You’ll visit both the private and communal areas in the house.
Chapter 3 – Akademiska barnsjukhuset
In this chapter you’ll visit the paediatric hospital, Akademiska barnsjukhuset, which is medically responsible during your treatment period in Uppsala.
Chapter 4 –Skandionkliniken
This chapter shows you around Skandionkliniken, where the proton radiation treatment will take place. It also shows how the treatment is done.
Chapter 5 – Hospital school
This chapter is primarily for children aged 7 and older.
In this chapter, you’ll visit the hospital school at Akademiska barnsjukhuset. Children and teenagers from first grade to the last year of high school can attend this school during their treatment in Uppsala.
Chapter 6 – Play therapy
This chapter is primarily for children aged 6 and younger.
This chapter introduces you to play therapy at Akademiska barnsjukhuset. All children and their parents are welcome to attend play therapy during the treatment period in Uppsala.
Chapter 7 – Overview
This chapter gives you another overview of Uppsala and the places you might visit during your treatment period here.